Hangover Monday - 17 Reasons Why Drinking On A Sunday Is Both An Awesome & Terrible Idea
Drinking on a Sunday is a bit like playing Russian roulette, get it right and you will have a great time stretching out the weekend's social activities with your friends and still be ready to return to the daily grind of the working week. Drink too much and get it wrong and you will be in for a horrendous hangover Monday.
If you’re going to go out drinking at the weekend, and chances are you will definitely be celebrating something to excess when you leave the office, the only sensible options are to do it on a Friday or Saturday, right?
Logic dictates that no one in their right mind would attempt to go out drinking on a Sunday and knocking back stupid amounts of alcohol. Not with work looming over the horizon. You have to be sensible. Surely?
Wrong. Because we are all creatures of habit and no matter how many times you say “Never again” after rocking into the office stinking of the night before on a Monday morning, you’ll continue to do it forevermore.
So if you are sitting at your desk at work, home or college on a Monday morning watching this, with a hangover that would put a Hollywood movie to shame, then the 17 reasons listed below will go someway to highlighting why you arrived at where you are and what you did wrong along the way. You might learn something.
So drown your sorrows (and your hangover) in this repository of why drinking on a Sunday is such a bad idea and make a promise (that you know you will never keep) that you'll never do it again. At least until next Sunday.
Why Drinking On A Sunday Is A Big Risk
1. There's a sense of rebellious abandon about drinking on a Sunday.

2. It's the only way to truly beat those Sunday night blues.

3. Or at least postpone them until Monday.

4. You meet the most interesting characters.

5. And it's better than spending the evening alone at home.

6. There's a sense of camaraderie with your fellow bar flies when drinking on a Sunday because you know that you really shouldn't be there.

7. Which means it's probably the closest you're ever going to get to being in an episode of Cheers.

8. The bar is less crowded than on a Friday night.

9. But equally that can be a bad thing.

10. And what starts out as a sophisticated evening of just a couple of social drinks.

11. Can soon spiral out of control when you're still up past midnight.

12. Like, really out of control.

13. So make sure you don't have any important meetings Monday morning.

14. Because, who has self-control?

15. And hangovers are worse on a Monday. Fact.

16. Drinking on a Sunday can be fun though.

17. Just don't do it to excess. Save that for midweek drinks.