Some Of The Cutest Cats You Will Ever See Define The Meme "If It Fits I Sits!"
Cats are a world unto their own sometimes, who knows what goes on inside that furry head? Sometimes they are really into your company, trying to get as close to you as they can, and other times they seem to be totally independent and solitary, out of the house for hours at a time, only showing up to be fed.
But then of course is their endless quest to find the perfect place to get comfy.
Lets face it, felines will do anything to get comfortable, whether it is on your lap, head, keyboard, or anything else that successfully disturbs the focus of your attention.
But when you are not around they will find the most impossible looking space and squeeze right in to get cozy.
They truly are a cute ball of fur and that's why we love them so much.
So time to introduce 20 of the cutest felines we have ever seen showing us the true meaning of the popular internet meme "If it fits i sits!"
Prepare to turn the 'AWWWWWWWW' dial up to eleven.