Unethical Life Hacks From People With Some Very Questionable Morals
For those who like to get ahead no matter what, these unethical life hacks might already be getting used. Damn the moral implications because these life hacks are all about making the system work for you. So if that means doing morally questionable acts, some even illegal, then some people wouldn't have a problem with that.
People might be aware of your standard life hack, those allegedly handy life changing tips for, say, how to peel a watermelon—and, yeah, it's nice of people to share them but often they end up not really working. So what's the best life hack? Ignore life hacks. Logic dictates that if things are going your way you don't need any more help.
However, when presented with life hurdles that seem impossible to navigate around these unethical life hacks are an entirely different breed altogether. While some seem like they might not work as planned or seem more trouble then they're worth, or totally illegal. Others are moments of evil genius that will make the metaphoric devil sat on your shoulder rub its hands together with glee and go, "Ooooooooh, I might have to try that."
Are You Tempted To Use Unethical Life Hacks

But just because that devil is standing on your shoulder, whispering in your ear and goading you, doesn't mean that you should follow through on actually doing any of these unethical life hacks. Unless you have no morals.
Because the clue is in their name. They are morally wrong and if you did do these, while they might get you out of doing something you don't want—going to school, meeting a friend—karma will come for you.
Plus, some of these unethical life hacks are outright fraud, downright immoral and just not cool—AT ALL—to do—and some are really dangerous to boot. So, yeah, these are purely just something entertaining to read. In no way should they be seen them as advice. OK? Good, let's take a look.
20+ Questionable And Unethical Life Hacks