25 Prime Darwin Awards Candidates Who Might Want To Rethink Their Idiotic Actions
Most of us value our life, and we do all that we can to ensure we carry on living it. But some people, by their actions, don't seem to care. At least that's how it can sometimes appear. Just take a look at the people in these pictures for Chrissake.
Everyone of them is well on their way to getting a Darwin Award—or they will be if they carry on with such a cavalier attitude to their own safety. We've all done the odd shortcut when doing some home DIY, sure, one that may've been foolish in retrospect.
But these guys? They're not just dicing with death they're laying out the red carpet for him. It's like they're acting out a scene in a Final Destination movie, just waiting for catastrophe to befall them by maximising the potential for something seriously bad to take place.
Accidents, injuries, and Darwin Awards waiting to happen, every single one.
So check out these amazing pictures below for some perfect examples of how not to do something. Ever.