30 Inappropriate Moments When Taking A Selfie Was Probably Not The Best Idea You Had
Selfies are definitely something you associate with today's millennial generation and with the advance in smartphone technology it is slowly pulling all of us into the realm of recording ourselves in all sorts of situations.
You could say we've become a culture obsessed with selfies. And you'd be right if you said such a thing, because it doesn't matter what sort of a situation people are in, they'll pause just long enough to take a photo of themselves to share on social media.
But sometimes you can take things a little too far and forget the actual situation you find yourself in, it's all evidence that whenever an event happens, any type of event, our reflex action is to reach for our smartphone and record it, and share it with the world on social media as quickly as we can.
And these 30 examples perfectly illustrate that this obsession has got out of hand. We need an intervention staged, the world needs to stop taking selfies—but who's going to do it?
It's never going to happen, but if you must take selfies, try and avoid doing it in these circumstances.
And whatever you do. Don't buy a selfie-stick. It's just too sad to comment on.
1. When you've been pulled over by the police.
2. When at the top of a skyscraper and your concentration should be elsewhere.
3. When in the changing rooms with your kid.
4. When you should be concentrating in a lecture.
5. When getting attacked by a wasp.
6. When your teacher's going into labor.
7. When you're standing on hot lava.
8. When you're proposing next to the giraffe enclosure.
9. When you're holding a drink and posing with your mom.
10. When you're a cat's butthole.
11. When you're about to take one in the head from a baseball.
12. When you're on a nudist beach.
13. When a bear's eyeing you up for its lunch.
14. When you're being tackled to the ground for a pitch invasion.
15. When you're in the middle of an exam.
16. When you're in the middle of conducting an operation.
17. When you've just crashed your car.
18. We've already told you once. No selfies while climbing skyscrapers.
19. Or rock climbing.
20. After a plane crash.
21. When a cherished local landmark is burning to the ground.
22. Any kind of fire a selfie's not really appropriate.
23. When flying a jet plane.
24. When a plane's about to crash.
25. While in the middle of a high-risk ski trick.
26. When lying next to some dog poop.
27. When a shark's eyeing you for dinner.
28. When sitting on the toilet.
29. When in the county jail.
30. And definitely not when your house is burning down.