39 Times When You Have To Be An Asshole Parent And Totally Wreck Your Poor Kids Lives
Parenting is all about loving and caring for your child, giving them the best of what life has to offer, and above all being totally selfless, but even with all that effort it doesn't take a lot to suddenly become an asshole in their eye, especially if you're the parent of a toddler. You can give them all the care and kindness in the world, but then if you do something that isn't to their liking, well that's it you are totally an a-hole.
The problem is that the 'something' that is suddenly totally unforgivable for them can border on the downright surreal and make absolutely no sense to you, like putting ketchup in the wrong place on their plate or you called them a ranger while playing a game when they're actually a bear. If you do something as abominable as that, then they're going to consider you a completer and utter asshole. It's a minefield that you cannot escape.
From that kind of thinking the website and Instagram page Asshole Parents was born.
It collates those times when a kid hates their parents for the most seemingly insignificant reason—at least that's what it appears like to the adult, but to the kid it's earth shatteringly bad.
"Have you ever suggested your child eat a broken granola bar? Have you ever barred your child from playing with power tools?" says the site. "Have you ever served your child a drink from the pink cup when they wanted blue? "Have you ever denied your child a snack of fresh dog poop?" Then you, too, might be an asshole parent."
Take a look at the asshole things these parents have done below.