31 Of The Most Disturbing Images That Get More Uncomfortable The Longer You Look
There are different types of disturbing images, there are those that are upfront about it. You look at the picture and the troublesome aspects of it are immediately clear. Then there's another type where the disquieting qualities are hidden in plain sight. The former hits you straight away, the latter takes it's time.
And that's what these disturbing images are, the type where the longer you stare at them, the more disturbing and worse it gets. A quick glance, a mere surface look and all seems well. Or well-ish. But then a few moments of concentration, be it only a second, and the sinister, creepy, or just downright strange aspects begin to sharpen.
It will cause you to involuntary start blinking, or rub your eyes, or just recoil in shock. Or maybe just laugh. Be it a disturbing image of Disney princesses with all kinds of bothersome goings-on. Sweet, but they will haunt you.
Or maybe an image of a car turned on its side, with a smiling elderly man standing next to it. But then, through the windscreen, is that his wife trapped inside smiling away too like its a vacation snap? Very haunting.
Some images are more freaky than others, like the faceswap ones for example. There's just something deeply wrong about those. Hauntingly so. But all these pics will have some impact on you in their own unsettling way.
Check out some of the most disturbing images below. And remember to look closer. Closer. Closer...
These Disturbing Images Will Haunt Your Soul