
Uncomfortable Pictures That Will Mess With Your OCD And Make You Feel Seriously Icky

There's something about uncomfortable pictures that just doesn't sit right with your inner balance. Sometimes you look at certain pictures or photos and they just make you feel, well, icky and downright uncomfortable. Something about them really unnerves you or it goes against just the common everyday rules we all live by.

Sometimes it could be that the arrangement of objects are misplaced or not quite perfect and that triggers your OCD. Other times it could be something very everyday and common that is just seen from a different angle.

We all love seeing pictures taken at just the right moment and laugh at people who have drunk too much making a fool of themselves, even photos that mess with the perspective never fails to impress us.

But when we come across uncomfortable pictures and see things that are just 'not right' it leaves us with an icky sort of feeling in our heads. It's like a scratch we can't itch inside of our brain and leaves us in a situation where we feel socially disorientated. But the problem is, even though we know they have that effect on us, we just can't help but look at them. It's a inescapable and compulsive urge to keep looking, just like smartphone addiction.

Why Do Some Things Make Us Feel Uncomfortable?

Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 44.

Well, here's is a collection of just such images, they range from pics that make you want to reach out and correct them (OCD), to people not using something the right way (dumb), or just a scary juxtaposition (creepy).

Like a small plastic toy hand in a soap dish, a cupcake that looks like a rat, or peeling off sunburnt skin.

They're all here, all of these uncomfortable pictures are pretty much guaranteed to make you feel a little bit weird as you glance over them, wondering why whoever is responsible allowed such travesties to happen.

Take a look and try and forgive us for subjecting you to them.

Here's 32 Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee

Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 01.
Disturbing Images That You Should Definitely Look at 01.
Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 03.
Disturbing Images That You Should Definitely Look at 02.
Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 04.
Disturbing Images That You Should Definitely Look at 03.
Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 05.
Disturbing Images That You Should Definitely Look at 04.
Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 06.
Disturbing Images That You Should Definitely Look at 05.
Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 07.
Disturbing Images That You Should Definitely Look at 06.
Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 08.
Disturbing Images That You Should Definitely Look at 07.
Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 09.
Disturbing Images That You Should Definitely Look at 08.
Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 10.
Disturbing Images That You Should Definitely Look at 09.
Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 11.
Disturbing Images That You Should Definitely Look at 10.
Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 12.
Disturbing Images That You Should Definitely Look at 11.
Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 13.
Disturbing Images That You Should Definitely Look at 12.
Uncomfortable Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 14.
Disturbing Uncomfortable Pictures 13.
Uncomfortable Pictures You Cannot Unsee 15.
Disturbing Uncomfortable Pictures 14.
Disturbing Images That You Should Definitely Look at 15.
pictures that make you uncomfortable 01.
pictures that make you uncomfortable 02.
pictures that make you uncomfortable 03.

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