How Could You Have Got This Far In Your Existence Without Using These 50 Amazing Life Hacks?
Life is hard. Which is why god invented life hacks to help you with the simple problems in life 'How could i have come this far in my life without using any of these?' i hear some of you asking yourselves. Well, the answer could be because you haven't thought about the problem long enough, prayed (or cursed) to the right god, or it could be because you are just dumb, so take your pick.
But fear not as we show you some ingenious low-budget tips and tricks to make your life just a little bit simpler and a whole lot easier (obviously not ones like the examples above).
Some of these won't apply but I guarantee that at least one or two will become part of your everyday life and will make you day run a lot smoother.
Life hacking refers to any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life. It is arguably a modern appropriation of a gordian knot - in other words, anything that solves an everyday problem in an inspired, ingenious manner. Coined in the 1980s in hacker culture, the term became popularized in the blogosphere and is primarily used by computer experts who suffer from information overload or those with a playful curiosity in the ways they can accelerate their workflow in ways other than programming.
1/ How to shrink pimples quickly using Listerine

2/ How to get more take-out food than you paid for

3/ How to get your dorm room smelling fresh and clean

4/ How to make the perfect LOUD alarm clock

5/ How to stop your charger wire from bending or breaking

6/Aluminium foil will cure static in a dryer

7/ How to chill whilte wine without watering it down

8/ Use retail hangers as chip clips

9/ A perfect cure for the always-falling zipper

10/ How to fill a container from a small sink without spillage

11/ Use AAA batteries in devices that require AA

12/ Instant hifi speakers in a flash

13/ Save space when packing a spare change of clothes.

14/ Place a plastic bottle on top of a yoke and gently squeeze to separate egg yolks from egg whites

15/ Pulling the bones out of a chicken wing makes it easier to eat. Just twist the bone and pull.

16/ Folding shirts doesn’t have to be a tedious chore.

17/ Many hotel TVs have handy USB slots in the back that will charge most smartphones.

18/ Stack clothes vertically side by side in the dresser to save a lot of room

19/ Peel away a small hole at the top of the boiled egg and a large one on the bottom and blow to remove the shell.

20/ How to keep a pot from bubbling over

21/ Pinching the end of a banana is a far easier way to open it.

22/ Soft-drink lids can double as coasters

23/ Perfectly cut cherry tomatoes all at once

24/ How to unwrinkle a shirt in a flash

25/ How to keep your valuable stuff safe at the beach

26/ How to make the perfect sandwich

27/ Run the razor across old jeans to resharpen and extend its life.

28 / How to make an icepack that won't drip when it melts

29/ Chinese containers are designed to fold out into plates

30/ Tell which side an exit ramp will be on

31/ Add things to your key rin without breaking your nails

32/ A standard headlamp strapped to a 1 gallon jug of water can illuminate an entire room or tent.

33/ How to get rid of scratches on wooden furniture

34/ How to microwave the perfect pizza

35/ Never have un-popped kernels in your popcorn again

36/ Use a can opener on obnoxious plastic packaging

37/ Never hammer your fingers and thumbs again!

38/ Wrap a wet paper towel around beer, and put it in the freezer to cool in just 2 minutes

39/ Create perfect microwaved food like a BOSS!

40/ How to fix a blurry phone camera

41/ Putting your phone into airplane mode will charge it twice as fast

42/ How to get rid of smelly pools of liquid from your bin

43/ Stop people from stealing your pens at work

44/ How to get rid of smelly shoes forever

45/ How to hang things on the wall perfectly

46/ Pour a half a cup of baking soda and a cup of vinegar into a clogged drain to unblock it

47/ The easiest way to make an ice cream sandwich

48/ Use a leaf blower and PVC pipes to clean gutters without a ladder

49/ What to do with your crib when the kids grow out of it

50/ How to fit two bowls into a small microwave