54-Year-Old Texas Woman Gives Birth To Her Own Granddaughter After Volunteering As Surrogate
Tracey Thompson from Plano in Texas has given birth to her own granddaughter after volunteering to be a surrogate for her 28-year-old daughter Kelley McKissack. Tracey gave birth to a 6lb 11oz baby girl.
Kelley and her husband Aaron had gone through numerous miscarriages and Kelley had gone through years of IVF treatments.
Infertility affects one out of every six couples, like the McKissacks, so, with four embryos left from the previous IVF treatments, Kelley's mother offered to be a surrogate for the couple. "My lovely mom offered to give me to greatest gift I could ever have in my life,” said Kelley.
Even though Tracey was seven years past the menopause she was in good health and the embryos were implanted in her womb in April last year.
Strangely, when Kelley was a still teenager, she jokingly asked her mom to carry her baby.
Speaking to KTVT she said, "If I can’t carry my own baby will you carry it for me?", she added, “Of course I would, not dreaming that I would actually be doing it.”

The baby was born on 6 January at The Medical Center of Plano in Texas. She was named Kelcey, a combination of both the mom's and daughter's names, as a nod to how she came to be.
“It is such a blessing that I can do this for my daughter,” said Tracey.