66-Year-Old Mom Guest Vocals For Her Son's Grindcore Band 'Corrupt Leaders'
Rain Forest (not sure if that's his real name or not) is the frontman for grindcore band Corrupt Leaders. Like many bands they needed a guest vocalist to sing on their new album.
But unlike many bands Forest invited his 66-year-old mom to come scream a lung up. And you can see her getting her grindcore on in the video above. Her primal howl goes very well with the distorted guitar and high speed drumming, so she should be very proud.
There's no word yet on whether the Canadian band are going to take Forest's mom on tour. Maybe they just want to keep it a surprise. "LADIES AND NOT-SO-GENTLEMEN, MAY I PRESENT TO YOU OUR GUEST VOCALIST AND MOST METAL MOM IN EXISTENCE, MRS "F*CK YOU MOTHERF*CKER" FOREST!" *wild applause*