An Adorable Kitten Is Dramatically Saved From Drowning In A Storm Drain Pipe By Brave Volunteer
There's an awful lot of crapness in the world, but there's also this kitten being rescued from drowning too—which goes a tiny way to balancing things out. Heroic volunteer Dorella Tuckwiller, who also happens to be founder of animal rescue group Itty Bitty Kitty Committee went head first into a storm drain pipe with rising water to rescue a three week old kitten in St. Albans, Charleston, South Carolina.
The poor kitten kept evading rescuers as the water continued to rise so local firefighters tied a rope to Tuckwiller's ankle and pulled her out once she'd grabbed the little critter and saved it from a watery grave.
They also pumped the water out beforehand so Tuckwiller could climb in there. "My biggest fear was I was going to lose him,” Tuckwiller told the Charleston Gazette-Mail. "If I had dropped him... that was my biggest fear was not being able to hold him above the water and dropping him. I don’t climb in storm drains all the time."
But she didn't drop him and can be seen in the video kissing the trembling kitten in relief, as crowds of people cheer. As you no doubt will do (in only internally) when you see it coming out alive.
The kitten, who's been named Stormy, recovered fully and is now happily living with his newly adopted family.