Airbnb Get A New Logo And The Internet Completely Ridicules It
Last week Airbnb, the website that let's you rent out your apartment, had a rebrand. And it included a brand new logo that they were all too eager to show off, but their enthusiasm was met with the internet's ridicule, as what was supposed to be a symbol of "coming together" and "belonging anywhere" actually looked a lot more like, well, you decide.
So the internet proceed to poke NSFW fun at the redesign and the results are pretty hilarious. It even inspired its own Tumblr page collating the different responses. Check out some of the funniest ones below.
#Airbnb meeting: "Guys, we need a new logo, but I'm all out of ideas." "Well, balls." "Yes! Yes that's it!"

In case you haven't seen the launch video for the new Aibnb branding have a look below:
And finally, Bret Domino sums it up perfectly with a new song about the new Airbnb Logo.