Star Wars - An Amazing Death Star Conspiracy Is Revealed In 'Luke’s Change: An Inside Job'
Conspiracies, conspiracies everywhere (even in a galaxy far, far away). With the release of the new Star Wars - The Force Awakens on DVD in a week (Star Wars Episode VII in case you've been in a coma recently, or not geek enough to know) it's probably a good time to put any doubts of what came before to rest so that you can embrace the new movie with a clean conscience.
If the destruction of the Death Star at the end of A New Hope has always sat a bit fishy in your mind, something about it not quite right, then let this video stir the pot and stoke the flames of conspiracy so that you leave with the certainty that what happened aboard that planetary orb of death was an inside job.
An investigative journalist from the Star Wars galaxy unravels what happened.
And if that isn't going to convince you then cast your mind back to very recent events and to the one person who could possibly know the real truth, Hans Solo.
He was crushed by a door on iconic spaceship the Millennium Falcon at Pinewood Studios during filming for The Force Awakens, halting filming and last year he barely walked away from a plane crash when his vintage aircraft lost engine power. And of course, without giving away any spoilers we all know what happened when he came face to face with Kylo Ren.
Are you seeing a sinister theme running in the background yet people? Be afraid.