An Angry Uncooked Chicken Butt Is The Star Of This Hilarious Reddit Photoshop Battle
Imagine how boring the internet would be if there wasn't at least a small portion of it devoted to creating total nonsense and people with too much time on their hands contribute to the cause help spread the fun. Lets be honest, it would be a very dull world indeed if things like this didn't exist.
But fear not, the photoshoppers of Reddit are pretty adept at turning an image, not matter what it might be, into pure hilarity. All it requires is for someone to upload an image to r/PhotoshopBattles and then wait for people to work their magic.
They recently had some fun with a picture of a raw chicken that a user uploaded. Specifically an image of an uncooked chicken's butt that looked particularly angry and full of rage.
It presented a rather strange sight with it's rear poking out of a metal bowl and its wings/arms by its side, it was too irresistible to ignore and ripe for some augmenting fun.
As always the internet didn't disappoint. It responded to the rallying call and did it's best to give that angry raw chicken butt the disrespect it so rightfully deserved. The rest, they say, is history.
Here's the original image:

And here's the rather brilliant photoshopped editions.