It's Animator vs. Animation In This Epic Battle Between A Stick Figure And Its Creator
Back in 2006 17-year-old animator Alan Becker released a video titled Animator vs. Animation, which saw a stick figure created in Flash take on the person that brought him into being: his animator.
Skip forward eight years and a Kickstarter project later and you have Animator vs. Animation IV.
This fourth instalment from the Dublin, OH based Becker sees the figure getting angry after the animator kills his friends, so he messes with Becker's Facebook account, ripping it apart and insulting anyone he can, then gets onto his iPhone via the USB cord to destroy that, then draws his own animations to eradicate Becker's computer interface.
This latest episode is certainly the best yet and comes after a four-year wait from the previous episode.
Animator vs. Animation plays with the idea that the little stick figures that you animate can fight back and do damage to your computer. Since the world of computers is so vast, the possibility for gags is endless. I've had the stick figure engage in matrix style fighting with all the icons on the desktop, a one-on-one duel with Clippy (the old Microsoft Word Assistant), a solitaire fight with another stick figure using cards, the list goes on. Now we're entering the age of tablets and iPhones, so the spectrum of possibilities is even wider now.
If you haven't seen the previous instalments, check them out below.
Animator vs. Animation
Animator vs. Animation II
Animator vs. Animation III