Anubis The Noseless Dog Who Found A New Home In The US Is Now Up For Adoption Again
Anubis the dog suffered a horrible fate by having his nose cut off. It was reported that the Egyptian dog, who's been named Anubis after the dog-headed god of the dead from Ancient Egypt, had his muzzle cut off either by burglars carrying out a robbery or to keep him quiet because he barked too much.
After this savage attack he wandered the streets of Cairo sleeping under parked cars . But then he came to the attention of a local animal rescue center the Animal Protection Foundation. They contacted the US-based Special Needs Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation (SNARR) which set about getting the dog over to America to find him a new home.
"We've taken dozens of animals from them and brought them to the States, animals who otherwise would be in agony in a country that cannot care for them," Lauren Connelly Connelly, a foster coordinator at SNARR told The Dodo.
Mustering the money through online donations the group were able to fly the animal to New York, from there a group of volunteers helped drive him to his new home with Katria Declete and Joseph Reed in El Paso, Texas.
But there's very recently be another twist in the tale of Anubis. Declete and Reed have had to put him up for adoption. They explain why fully in this Facebook post. The main reason seems to be that the couple have two other male dogs and Anubis doesn't get on with them.
"With all that said, please understand we have researched and tried everything we could think of to help his assimilation." they say. " I think the environment is just too stressful for him. It's really breaking our heart to come to this decision, but we believe he deserves to live his years out somewhere he can be happy 24/7. We are happy to have gotten him healthy and to the point he is now, we can only hope someone else will continue that journey with him."
If you feel like you could give Anubis a loving home, you can visit SNARR's post here to find out how to adopt him.