Space GIF-iti—Artist INSA Creates World's Largest Animated GIF Using Satellites #SpaceGIFITI
INSA is a UK street artist who specialises in what he calls GIF-iti, which he creates by painting murals on walls, then photographing them, then re-painting and re-photographing, re-painting and re-photographing, etc, etc to create an animation which he releases as a GIF.
But he's gone and outdone himself with his most recent piece for Ballantine whiskey. They're calling it the largest animated GIF in the world—and it was made partly from space.
The piece was painted in Rio De Janeiro last year and took 20 people four days to cover 14,000 square meters in pink and yellow paint, which formed 20 giant hearts 24m wide.
The world’s largest ever animated GIF? One of the biggest paintings on the planet? Photographed from space? Next Level? Pretty much...... ▶️link in profile◀️ View ‘@Ballantines_Official Presents INSA’s Space GIF-ITI’ here #SpaceGIFITI #StayTrue #NextLevel
They then had to get a satellite to photograph the painting and re-painting from space so it could be captured and turned into a GIF. Astrium, which is the commercial satellite division of Airbus, provided some 'Pleiades' satellites for the project, working out when the painting would need to be done to coincide with the satellite's orbit.
The satellites then captured ultra high def images once a day over four days from 431 miles up.
Here is a shot that i think will help show the scale of the artwork i just released! That little spec is me with a roller working on one of the huge hearts that make the whole piece. Each heart was 24 meters across! Watch: @Ballantines_Official Presents INSA’s Space GIF-ITI’ here Link in Profile #BiggerThanYouCanImagine #StayTrue #SpaceGIFITI
"The internet has changed our view on art," INSA says in the video above which documents his space GIF-iti. "I wanted to cross both worlds and make work that existed in online space even more than it existed in real space."
Check out the resulting GIF, below.