Lip Service: Artist Jedediah Johnson Makes Out With Strangers And Photographs The Results
It's worth remembering that a good artist is always passionate about his work and it looks like Indiana-born native Jedediah Johnson is no exception, however, he has actually managed to transform this form of expression onto his subject matter in a very intimate art project he calls "The Makeout Project", which involves kissing random strangers and using lots, yes LOTS of lipstick to make a visual document of the moment.
According to The Huffington Post, 'Men and women, young and old, even a baby, all serve as subjects in Johnson's unorthodox photography venture. For each image, Johnson puts his hands around the subject's neck, skillfully rounds first base, and snaps the result. The project, which, in theory, revolves around collecting and cataloguing personal experiences, acts as an evolving record of a human interaction that ranges from thrilling to ordinary, terrifying to comforting.'
So far Jedediah has kissed over 100 people using this technique and aims to confront the social thinking that, in his own words, "The idea that a kiss has to be romantic, I'm sort of trying to question that truth." - The results are worth a look as they evoke a slightly surreal emotion on the viewer. Enjoy.

For more examples of Jedediah's work visit his website.