
Hungry Much? Baker Creates White Walker Cakes, Mario Donuts, And Other Pop Culture Edibles

If you ever fancied eating your way through an edible facehugger fritter or maybe a white walker frosted cake, then you might want to make friends with Illinois baker Timmy Hanno (aka @archiehemmingway) whose Instagram account is full of such handmade baked goods.

Hanno gets ultra-creative and bakes donuts, cookies, cakes, and other sweet treats to look like characters from TV shows, films, and cartoons from popular culture. Star Wars, Mario, King of the Hill, Adventure Time, The Simpsons, Futurama, anything can inspire Hanno's artistic and delicious-looking snacks.

Hanno gets to combine his skills as baker and artist working at Tuzik’s 95th Bakery in Oak Lawn, a suburb of Chicago. And the results look almost too good to eat. Almost.

"Mostly I’m the night guy," he told Albotas.com, "Getting things ready for the morning and decorating cakes, cookies, and donuts when needed. Half the time I know which character I’m doing that night and half the time I see a donut that reminds me of a character and I go from there. I use long johns mostly that turned out too big or I’ll make turnovers I cut into shape. I never went to culinary school, I just lucked into a job at a bakery and happen to be a decent artist."

Check out some of his creations below. And head to his Instagram page for more.

They fight, they bite. They bite and fight and bite. Fight fight fight, bite bite bite. The Itchy and Scratchy Show!!! #pastry #cinnamonroll #cinnamon #danish #theSimpsons #Simpsons #Itchy #Scratchy #ItchyandScratchy #WorkerandParasitearenext

I sell donut and donut accessories #KingoftheHill #HankHill #Hank #donut #longjohn #pastry #Itellyouwhat

South Park sugar cookie #Kenny #KennyMcCormick #SouthPark #MattStone #sugarcookie #ohmygod #theykilledKenny #youbastards #theykilledKennynowImgonnaeathim

Had to eat this donut before it broke bad and started poisoning people #Walt #Walter #White #WalterWhite #Heisenberg #Heisenbergisadonut #Breaking #Bad #BreakingBad #RicinFree #NotPoisonous #donutsaremoreaddictivethanmeth

Not my best but decided to go back and redo two of the first pastries I ever decorated. The originals are at the bottom of my feed. #Ren #RenHoek #Stimpy #StimpsonJCat #TheRenandStimpyShow #RenandStimpy #JohnKricfalusi #JohnK #YouIdiot #HappyHappyJoyJoy #comingsoon #MrHorse #PowderToastMan

It stinks! It stinks! It stinks! #Jay #Sherman #JaySherman #theCritic #ComingAttractions #theShermomter #itstinks #itstinks #wearethebearsthatdanceforDuke #donut #longjohn

You dumb, stupid, weak, pathetic, white, white... uh..uhh... guilt.. white guilt, milquetoast... piece of human garbage. #Gazorpazorpfield #Gazorpazorp #Garfield #ImGazorpazorpfuckingfieldbitch #nowgetmemyfuckingenchiladas #Ihatemumunmununsdays #RickandMorty #Rick #Morty #RixtyMinutes #danish #pastry #cinnamonroll #cinnamon

He isn't dead! He's one of those dog-operated puppets that's been adapted for use by cats! #Nibbler #LordNibbler #IperiodCperiodWeinner #ICWeinner #Nibblonian #quitepossible #welivelongandarecelebratedpoopers #yeslikeyourpromdress #mybestfrienddiedinthatuniform #ImustwarnyouifIhavetogetcuteitsgonnagetugly #Futurama #danish #pastry #chocolatechip #coffee #cake #coffeecake

Working at a bakery during the holidays has me feeling like these guys... #bahhumbug #crumbum #Grinch #Oogie #Boogie #OogieBoogie #HideyoSanta #HideyoChristmas #Hideyopresents #HowtheGrinchStoleChristmas #NightmareBeforeChristmas #DrSeuss #Seuss #Christmas #Scrooged #forrealIloveChristmasitsjustapain #pastry #danish #coffeecake

Working on one of my nights off has me feeling like poo, a Christmas poo! #MrHankey #Hankey #theChristmasPoo #SouthPark #South #Park #Merry #fucking #Christmas #Howdy #Ho #HoooowwddyyHooo #turd #poop #shit #scatologicalholiday #hecalledtheshitpoop #donut #longjohn

I thought they were due!! The game was fixed! The Globetrotters used a ladder for Pete's sake! C'mon! He's just holding out the ball, take it!! #KrusytheClown #Krusty #HeyHey #HerschelSchmoikalPinchasYeruchamKrustofski #Herschel #Schmoikal #Pinchas #Yerucham #Krustofski #TheKrustytheClownShow #theSimpsons #Simpsons #IfthisisanyonebutSteveAllenyourestealingmybit #Bananathatsyoureanswertoeverything #DidyousendthoseflowerstoBeaArthursgrave #Idontcareifshesnotdeadjustdoit #Iwillpersonallyspitineveryfiftiethburger #StealapairofHagarslacksandpayforittherestofyourlife #SexCauldronIthoughttheyclosedthatplacedownyearsago #WeregoingtothegreatestplaceonEarthTijuana

RIP Mr. Nimoy, an actor, a poet and a guest on one of the best Simpsons episodes ever. #RIP #Leonard #Nimoy #LeonardNimoy #MrSpock #Spock #Vulcan #StarTrek #Thesedonutsarehighlyillogical #Monorail #Asolareclipse #Thecosmicballetgoeson #Doesanybodywannaswitchseats #theSimpsons #LiveLongandProsper #donut #donuts #longjohn

Left over egg cake turns into random ass Captain Caveman cake. Happy Easter I guess #eggcake #egg #cake #CaptainCaveman #Captain #Caveman #CAPTAINCAAAVVEEMAAAAN #cartoon #HannaBarbera #Hanna #Barbera #Cavey #ungabunga

Its the fifth of Sith. Or whatever. I hope some one put on a Vader mask after tequila shots and pulled Darth's famous line in Spanish. <wheeze> Yo ... soy ... tu padre #CincodeMayo #FifthofSith #Sith #SithLord #thedarkside #theForce #force #Darth #DarthVader #Anakin #Skywalker #chosenone #Luuuuuke #yosoytupadre #Thedarksideiscustardandchocolate #Thedarksideisdelicious #donut #fritter #chocolate #custard

Anybody on the south side of Chicago want these six Mario vermon donuts? Hit me up. Goomba and Chomp are custard filled, Boo and Shyguy are strawberry and Bill and Piranha plant are just long johns #Mario #SuperMario #SuperMarioBros #Boo #MissileBill #Shyguy #Goomba #PiranhaPlant #ChainChomp #Nintendo #NES #SNES #N64 #donut #donuts #longjohn #bismarck #whowantsem #pretendyourMarioanddevourthecompetition

Finally we get some good white walker action. This season was a little boring until these last two episodes. #GameofThrones #GoT #WhiteWalkers #White #Walkers #LandofAlwaysWinter #BeyondtheWall #Motherfuckersarecomingsouth #ValarMorghulis #Allmenmustdie #ValarDohaeris #Allmenmustserve #Allmenmustdieandthenbebroughtbacktolifetoservethewhitewalkers #Westeros #Westerosisfucked #thenightisdarkandfullofterrors #thoseterrorsarewhitewalkersandanundeadarmy #WinterisComing #TheLongNightisComing #donut #longjohn

Honestly, all these National *whatever* days drive me nuts. Especially donut day, everyone loves donuts. Everyday is fucking donut day. I do like doing donuts in duo and trios though. Will never do a Duo or Dudrio though, dumb emu pokemon. Oh yeah, Finn and Jake. #Finn #FinnMertens #FinntheHuman #Jake #JaketheDog #JaketheDonut #AdventureTime #LandofOoo #SledsareforsuckersJustridemyguts #SeriouslyStanley #Forawatermelonyougetintotroublewaymoreoftenthanyoushould #youknowwhattheyremindmeof #Welldressedpickles #Ifeelradderfastermoreadequate #Mathematical #Imabuffbabywhocandancelikeaman #Youstillupforpixiestranglingtomorrow #bestbuds #bffs #bffs4life #Bros #donut #donuts #longjohn #longjohns

I made this facehugger fritter for my "Ripley" @bbbanne a few weeks ago. She loves Sigourney Weaver more than me I'm pretty sure. This is all one piece and it turned out great. #facehugger #chestbuster #xenomorph #Alien #Aliens #xenomorphprime #stage2 #HRGiger #wehugeachothersfaces #noalienembryosthough #huggingfaces #bustingchests #everyhashtagIthinkofsoundslikeporn #pornomorph #thispostformygftookaterribleturn #shesthebestthough #ShesmyRipley #donut #fritter #raspberry

Vin Diesel deserved every dollar he got. Also, the long john might be the best donut. #Groot #IamGroot #WeareGroot #GrootisDonut #DonutisLife #LifeisBall #Guardians #GuardiansoftheGalaxy #Marvel #MarvelDonuts #VinDiesel #DieselDonut #donut #longjohn #chocolatelongjohn

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