Bartkira: Akira Gets A Simpsons Makeover In This Awesome Fan Art Project
In might be a bit of an unexpected mashup, but it makes it no less awesome. Bartkira is an art project where various artists recreate Akira using characters from The Simpsons.
And not Akira the film, but the classic manga series, which the film was based on, by Katsuhiro Otomo, which was collected into six volumes after being serialised between 1982 and 1990. Each volume has been given a Simpsons makeover, you can check out volumes one and two of the collection online here. The other volumes are still being completed.
The project took inspiration from Ryan Humphrey's Akira art and was headed up by cartoonist James Harvey. The art, from both professional and amateur artists, was recently exhibited in the Hakusen Gallery in Asagaya, Japan.
You can check out some of the fantastic work, below.

Cartoonist James Harvey