Biohacker Amal Graafstra Has Invented Implantable Cryptography Key That Goes Under Your Skin
If you thought that having to carry your phone around is a little bit of a burden, then maybe over the next decade or so you won't have to. Instead all the information you have on your phone will be embedded under your skin.
That's the idea of biohacker Amal Graafstra who runs a company out of his garage called Dangerous Things. Graafstra has been working on a prototype security chip called UKI, to be released next year, which works with NFC (near-field communication) and can be placed under the skin.
Having the chip implanted would mean people would be able to have cryptographic keys in their bodies, essentially meaning you and your data would be merged into one fleshy vessel.
"You + UKI means your biological and digital identities can be cryptographically merged, ensuring the one true you is the only you using your devices, sending your messages, reading your email, accessing your accounts, opening your doors, driving your vehicles, and spending your money." explains Graafstra.
So instead of using your bank cards to pay for goods it would be done through the UKI chip in your skin, for instance. The chip is also fully compatible with Android over NFC.
“I think probably the killer app for something like UKI is going to be payments and transit,” Graafstra told Motherboard. “When you think about the ability to get rid of your keys and get rid of your wallet, now you’re talking about something the average person can get behind.”
It's obviously a future that not everyone is going to immediately get behind. Carrying around phone to make payments at shops and for transport around a city is one thing, having chips implanted under your skin is something else.
Still, back in 2005 no one thought we'd be unable to live without our phones, but now look at us.