The 'Black Friday Movie' Is A Parody Horror Trailer That's Scarily Close To The Truth
There really should be a Black Friday movie. It would be the ultimate horror flick showcasing how our modern day society goes insane for one day. Think of it like The Purge, but with the assailants armed with credit cards instead of guns. Soon it will be Black Friday. Soon people will be stampeding through stores to get the latest 70 inch HD LED TV at half the cost. Even though they've probably already got one. That doesn't matter.
What matters is acting like it's the end of the world, and the only thing that's going to save you is to treat everyone else like subhuman trash to get your hands on the goods. This is the true meaning of Black Friday.
And the absurdity of that is perfectly portrayed in this hilarious spoof trailer Black Friday Movie Trailer from Nacho Punch. It perfectly brings out the darker side of humans when there is a bargain to be had.
The all-consuming consumerism is skewered in all its ridiculousness using Hollywood movie cliches, as things turn pretty ugly pretty quickly because of the power of BOGOF.
So this Friday when you're out there fighting with the masses over goods you don't really need, just remember: there's always Cyber Monday.