Caracal Kittens Are Quite Possibly The Cutest Baby Cat Species On The Entire Planet
There are many, many cute types of baby cat around. You could say all baby cats are equally cute, but where's the fun in that? In a world as competitive as ours we need winners, the 'best of the best', no matter how cute kittens are. It's universally true to say that all cats are cute, but some are cuter than others.
So instead it's much better to pick an arbitrary winner—and this week's arbitrary winner is the caracal kitten.
The caracal, the name comes from the Turkish “karakulak” meaning “black ear”, are a mid-sized wild cat that live in the forests, savannas, marshy lowlands, and deserts of Africa, the Middle East, Iran and the Indian subcontinent. They were religiously significant and a favorite of the ancient Egyptians.
With their reddish tan coat they've also been called the desert lynx. And their pointy, long tufted ears is what makes them look so damn cute as kittens.
But, once grown, they can be quite badass. They've been tamed since ancient Egyptian times and used for hunting birds in Iran and India. According to Big Cat Rescue "they were put into arenas containing a flock of pigeons, and wagers were made as to how many the cat would take down. This is the origination of the expression 'to put a cat amongst the pigeons.'"
So there you go. Check out some baby caracals below!