Be Careful Out There Today People, Because Sniper Troll Is Watching You... Waiting
Sniper Troll, the soldier of fail (see his previous achievements here and here), is back in what looks like it might be his his fourth and final appearance. Sad times. Sad times indeed.
He's been the scourge of people across the world with his perfectly aimed shot.
People attempting to do, well, anything really.
Whether it be skidding across a frozen lake or just trying to get on with their duties as a basketball mascot, up he pops to make sure they don't accomplish whatever they set out to achieve
Ensuring that their only achievement is total humiliation.
But now his time is up as his creators, Marca Blanca, show him coming to an end. His foe? A rogue tire. It's no way for a hero to die. What a cruel, cruel world.
But let's remember him for his talent and the joy he brought us all. Lets all share a minute of silence.
And try not to laugh.