Cats vs People (And Other Things): 21 Instances Of Furry Felines Who Have Dopplegangers
We've all heard of the idea of pets looking like their owners, but how about pets that look like complete strangers? Strangers like Batman or Hitler or Einstein.
If you Google hard enough and have a vast amount of time to waste, you too can come up with some cat doppelgangers that look just like historical figures or celebrities or fictional men who dress up like bats or a baby seal—or anything really.
Below are some uncanny examples of cats looking like other people, some of them are so similar (I'm looking at you Iggy Pop cat) that you'll double take at what you're seeing.
There's even a Lenin cat—and it's a pretty good likeness too.
Anyway, your day is never going to hit the dizzy heights that it will for the few moments that you glance over these. So savour it..