#CheerioChallenge—Dad's Are Amusing Themselves By Balancing Cheerios On Their Sleeping Babies
When it comes to being a dad nothing is more important than caring and nurturing for your child and providing them with all their needs. That and balancing cheerios on their sleeping heads.
The latest gauntlet throwing challenge to take over dads of the internet is the Cheerio Challenge, and it involves getting hold of some Cheerios and then carefully approaching your sleeping baby so as not to wake them.
Then begin stacking Cheerios atop their heads, take a photo and post it online. The higher the stack the better you are at being a dad. Something like that. The idea begun life over on Life of Dad, a social network for dads.
Founder Patrick Quinn was playing with his son Maxton when he got the idea to start placing Cheerios on his nose and seeing how many he could do.
So you’re sitting there with your sleeping baby in the morning, munching on some cereal, catching up on the big game you didn’t see the end of last night because you’re an exhausted parent and you think, I wonder if I could stack Cheerios onto of my baby’s face. This was our very own Patrick Quinn this week and when he piled up five Cheerios on his new kiddo’s nose and posted it on the Life of Dad Facebook page, the Cheerio Challenge was born. (via)
People have been posting their stacking abilities to Life of Dad's Facebook page. So far the record is 16 Cheerios. “That seems to be the Everest of Cheerio stacking,” Quinn told Buzzfeed. “I don’t even know how it’s possible.”
You can check out some of the results below.