The Only Compilation Of Cheerleader Fails And Wins You'll Need Today (Or Any Other Day)
Sometimes life can be hard being a cheerleader—it's not all leg kicks, pom poms and adulating crowds, because despite the obvious talent these performers display when it comes to landing routines, sometimes gravity decides to have some fun resulting in humiliation and failure.
And, thankfully for us (and all the advances in hand-held recording technology) there is a real chance that pretty much every fail of recent times has been captured on video. And to make things better someone compiled all those wins and fails together in one handy video so we can enjoy the highs and the lows of being an all-singing, all-dancing, all-stunt doing motivator for your team. So strap in. It’s going to be an intense ride
Looking at the video, it seems that getting knocked down by a rampaging sportsman is an occupational hazard.
But you have to give these girls the full credit they deserve for picking themselves up and going on with the show after suffering from these epic fails. Cheerleading's definitely a glamorous and rewarding profession, but it's also one that's a potentially dangerous job.
So bear that in mind before you go joining your college team.