20+ Shocking Cheating Spouse Confessions That Are Totally Sad And Unfortunately True
When it comes to cheating on your partner nobody really wins. And no where is that made clearer than in these shocking cheating spouse confessions from married people who are doing just that. Of course they're completely anonymous, but they're also honest brutally about their infidelity also. Not only are they outright admitting to cheating on their spouse, but they also speak frankly about the implications of their adultery.
These cheating spouse confessions shed some light on why people are unfaithful. Some people admit cheating because they were bored in their marriage, others say it's because they didn't want to get wed in the first place. While others talk about how it's affected their marriage, mostly as you can imagine it's had a negative affect.
But some people have gone one step further and admitted their cheating spouse confessions to their own partner and have noted how their significant other doesn't want to break up their family, so they suggest open marriages instead, or just carry on regardless. But while some cheating partners tell their spouse, for others it's an ongoing illicit secret that they continue to do.
Why Does Infidelity Take Place In A Marriage?

There seems to be en element of sadness in most of them though, either a hint of regret or some sorrow that things have worked out this way. Not all of them are this way though, others seem shameless in their infidelity, embracing the thrill. For most marriages it seems cheating spouse confessions are only made to strangers.
Of course there are various scientific theories on why people cheat, from monogamy not being a natural thing for humans to do, to some people carrying a gene that makes them cheat, a thrill-seeking gene known as DRD4, to it being part of our sex drive brain system. But no one's entirely sure why humans do it, it even baffles biological anthropologists like Helen Fisher, who has been studying this type of behavior most of her career.
Take a look below at some confessions from cheating spouses and try not to feel too depressed.
Cheating Spouse Confessions That Will Shock You