'Don't Call Me Oscar' - Kids Hilariously Recreate The Academy Awards 'Best Picture Nominees'
The 88th Academy Awards ceremony is looming before us and with it the anguish of the nominees as they sit there, cameras pointing at their faces, while they await to hear if they've succeeded in bagging a bald gold statue or not. And If you needed reminding of what films are up for awards then what better way to do that then cast your eyes over these adorable recreations of scenes from them.
They've been created by a mom and her daughters who are behind the tumblr Don't Call Me Oscar. Over the past few years for Maggie Storino and her daughters' it's been an annual event, each year they create a photography series for the Academy Award nominees for best picture.
This years photos feature Maggie's daughters Sophia, 5, Sadie, 3, and making her debut is 8-month-old Sloane. The three of them recreate scenes from The Big Short, Bridge of Spies, Brooklyn, The Revenant, Room, Mad Max: Fury Road, The Martian, and Spotlight.
"Between creating sets and discussing the photos, we spend a lot of thought on each photo," Storino told TODAY.com. "So when it comes time to take the actual picture everyone is excited. Even if someone isn't in the picture, they're in the background trying to get a laugh or, in the case of my husband in 'Big Short,' keeping Sloane from eating Jenga blocks."
The photos also seem to work as good indications of who will win. "A little known fact about 'Don't Call Me Oscar' is that it's a good predictor of the Oscar winner," Maggie told Mashable. "Since we've been on Tumblr, the photo with the most notes has won Best Picture 3 out of 4 years—right now, Mad Max is in the lead."
You can check out this year's crop below. And check out Maggie's tumblr and Instagram for previous years.
The Revenant

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Bridge of Spies

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Mad Max: Fury Road

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The Big Short

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The Martian