
Awesome Dad Dances With Disabled Daughter, Wins Local Pageant And The Internet

If you needed any proof as to why dads are awesome (some dads, anyway) then this video is all you'll ever need. It features 12-year old McKenzie Carey who has mitochondrial disease, which saps the body of energy and means Carey is wheelchair bound.

But that didn't stop her dad from dancing with her at a local pageant in Dallas, lifting her from the chair so the two can waltz along to Miley Cyrus's "The Climb." It's a touching, wonderful scene and is made even more so by the daughter's joyful reaction at being twirled around by her doting father.

McKenzie Carey

Despite her condition McKenzie loves going to pageants, and after this video of her went viral with over 6 million views, her dad plans to take her to a national one in Nebraska to help raise awareness of her disease.

Her mother, Tammy, said: "Pageants give her the same opportunity as other children. She has won many titles in the past seven years and will continue competing. We are her voice and her legs. My husband started doing these dances with her to inspire people and she has inspired people and touched people's hearts from all over the world."

She has a Facebook page where you can show your support and also a GoFundMe page where you can donate.


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