Watch As A Dad Totally Shuts Down His Daughter's Ex-Boyfriend In A Series Of Hilarious Texts
When it comes to wanting to talk to your ex-girlfriend, pleading with her dad over a series of text messages is certainly not one of the ways to go about doing it. But unfortunately a kid called Nathan, who doesn't know better gives it a try anyway, he tries hard, real hard, but the dad is having absolutely none of it.
The whole hilarious exchange has been captured and uploaded to Imgur with the heading "Thirstier than a camel in a sweater" and it starts with the unfortunate 15-year-old (and his shirtless avatar) saying, "Hay Robert I'm Skylar ex is thier any way I can talk to her pleaz sir."
Obviously straight off spelling and grammar isn't really this kid's strong point (which the dad later pulls him up on), but hey, you have to start somewhere. And at least he said sir.
The dad comes straight back with a no and tells him to put a shirt on. What follows is a heck of a lot of pleading on Nathan's part (which gets more extreme as time goes on) and a lot of "No" on Robert's, said in a variety of some seriously amusing ways.
There's also a few learned lessons thrown in, some expert level trolling, and lots and lots of memes, which make the whole epic exchange so damn funny.
Whether it actually occurred or not, hey this is the internet, no one cares (well, actually i care, i really want to know what happened between Nathan and Skylar, i mean, did they manage to give it another go?).
All that really matters is it's totally funny and it speaks to everyone, whether you're the desperate ex or a dad just trying to protect his daughter from a shirtless thirsty teen.
Check out the whole series of text messages below.