Epic Dad Turns His Son's Drawings Into Awesome Anime Monsters And Creatures
If your dad just happens to be an animator who lives in Tokyo and creates anime series, then designing anime monsters and creatures together might just be an activity the both of you can share. There are of course many numerous activities a father and son can undertake together, but this must rate as one of the more epic ones.
That's what has happened between French animator Thomas Romain and his son. Romain is co-creator, along with Tania Palumbo, of French animation series Code Lyoko. He currently works at Japanese animation studio Satelight on various anime series on art direction and design, and has work on anime including Oban Star Racers, Basquash!, Aquarion Evol, and many more. This dad loves his anime monsters and characters.
However, in his spare time he's been posting images of surreal and strange anime monsters and creatures of a different kind on his his Twitter account that have been co-designed by him and his son. Which basically means he's been using his illustration and artistic skills to turn his son's sketches into total anime awesomeness.
How The Anime Monsters Design Process Works
The father and son effort results is some fantastic designs and Roman is always careful to give credit to his son.
He labels them "Original design: son / Illustration: dad" while also giving them appropriate character names too like Blood Dead Prince or Steam Punk Doctor. The pair have been creating them for the last three months and in a tweet Roman hints that there might be a forthcoming book too.
Hopefully he might be able to sneak one of these father/son anime monsters into one of the anime series he works on as well. Could you imagine if he pulled that off? it would no doubt blow his son's mind.
Take a look at some of the designs below. And follow @Thomasintokyo for more.
Steam Punk Doctor

Magic Knight

One-Eyed Alien Anime Monster

Cyborg Warrior

Flower Pot Monster

Mecha Anime Monster

Snake Slayer

The Flaming Knight

Bubble Mecha Man

The Murmur Mourners

Mecha Dragon Anime Monster