"Dads With Swords" Shows That Fat Middle-Aged Men Can Be Warriors Too
Hard to believe but dads with swords are a real thing. Next time you have an argument with your dad it might be good to think long and hard about not taking it too far and making him angry, because possibly, beneath that disgusting shirt and tie he wears might lie the heart of a battle-hardened samurai who might not think twice about carving you up like a Thanksgiving turkey if you push him too far. Just saying.
Cold Steel are well known for their OTT marketing videos where middle-aged men with facial hair attack inanimate objects—slabs of meat, cowboy boots, you name it—with knives, machetes, tomahawks, axes. All kinds of dangerous, finger-robbing bladed weapons.
The video's are kind of beyond parody but that hasn't stop somebody from trying. Pete Donaldson has made Dads with swords, his tribute song to the warrior dads of Cold Steel, set to the tune of "Girls On Film."
You have dads with swords swinging their steel wands in a mock dungeon and stabbing metal barrels in a car park with Duran Duran music over the top—what's not to like?
So just remember, dads with swords exist, they are among you.