Dirty Talk FAIL - 29 Famous Movie Lines You Really Wouldn't Want To Say Before Sex
When it comes to the subject of using dirty talk prior to making the beast with two backs, there are certain things to say during sex that can get both of you in the mood. Get it right and you could be in for a great evening.
But it's a tricky area, because it has to be the right kind of dirty talk, the right kind of situation and your partner be in the mood, you need to say the right thing or it might put both of you right off. Possibly for good.
Of course, humor is also important in a relationship, so you might want to amuse your partner by throwing down a film quote, a completely inappropriate film quote at that, to break the ice or just make them laugh.
After all, it sounded so cool when you heard it in the movie theater, so why wouldn't it work in the bedroom?
It's not something you probably want to do with someone you've just met, they might think you're a bit strange, in fact they might think you are a total freak with this unique how to talk dirty technique you have learned online on how to talk dirty to a woman, man, or something else of the animal, vegetable, mineral variety.
But if it's a long term boyfriend or girlfriend, then you might just be ok, have a look below for some inspiration.
Or if you're taking the opposite route, don't ever say any of these lines before getting jiggy. Because you will come across as a freak, especially if you shout it. Hot things to say before and during sex can be really tricky..
If you want more there's an entire AskReddit sub dedicated to them.