Doug The Pug (And Friends) Recreate Popular TV Show Intros In This Adorable Compilation
There seems to be no end to Doug the Pug's endless talents—the internet star is a seriously busy dog, when he's not posing like Taylor Swift he's recreating some classic intros from popular TV shows.
Attention to detail is key in this series of clips which faithfully re-enact some of our favorite moments, watch as he sits there in a wig with his pug buddies and acts out (OK "act" is a bit strong) the opening to Friends.
Or wears a backwards-facing baseball cap to do his best Fresh Prince. But that's not all, because there's more to come, much more. How about Breaking Bad? Breaking Pug more like!
There's also Pug of Thrones, The Walking Pug, Pug's Anatomy, The Hills Pug Edition (he looks great in a blonde wig btw) and a whole load of other TV shows with the word pug inserted in the title somewhere.
The joke never tires.
I just hope Doug was paid handsomely in steak dinners for his efforts in this compilation. Probably not.