
Dubai Unveils The 'World's First' 3D Printed Office Building, Built In Just 17 Days

When it comes to printers you no doubt have one in your office, but in Dubai they're making offices with them. Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has laid claim to creating the world's first 3D printed fully functioning office building which it says was built in just 17 days.

The building, which will be the temporary office of the Dubai Future Foundation who commissioned the project, is a one-storey prototype measuring around 2,700 square feet. It was made using a printer that was 20-feet high, 120-feet long and 40-feet wide according to Emirates24/7.com which also featured a robotic arm.

It was constructed from a special mixture of cement and building material designed and made in the UAE and the United States. The UAE government also claim that the labour cost of the build was cut by more than 50% compared to a conventional building of a similar size.

This is because it only required one person to monitor the printing process, seven more to install various components, and 10 electricians and other specialists for electrical and mechanical work. According to Reuters the total cost of building it was around $140,000.

"We see this project as a case study that will benefit regulators as well as research and development centres at the regional and international levels on real application of 3-D printing technology." said His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, vice-president and prime minister of the UAE and ruler of Dubai. "We are documenting this experience and building on it to take advantage of the most important lessons, which will serve as reference points to take this technology to new levels."

A view of the world's first functional 3D printed offices are seen in Dubai
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum stands in front of the world's first functional 3D printed offices during the official opening in Dubai

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