Duchess the 'Miracle Kitty' Is A Rescue Cat Who Turned Her Broken Jaw Into An Adorable Smile
Being hit by a car usually spells the end for most cats, but not Duchess who came through the other side with a crooked but adorable smile. Duchess, a stray, was brought to the Adobe Animal Hospital in El Paso, Texas after being hit by a car.
Her jaw was broken and she had been badly hurt, so bad that a lot of vet clinics might have thought the best thing to do was euthanise her. But Dr. Meyer and Dr.Gearheart decided to do surgery and repair her jaw which was wired in place, although she did have most of her teeth removed.
"She was in recovery for about a month, she was on a feeding tube and lots of medicine. Her chances of survival were slim, but she was a fighter and pulled through." says Crystal Tate, Duchess' owner who adopted her after starting work at the clinic and falling in love.
She pulled through but was left with a wonky jaw, yet it hasn't stopped Duchess from looking incredibly cute. She's now recovered to become a playful and joyous kitty.
"Duchess' jaw is still crooked and it will be for the rest of her life, but it hasn't crushed her spirit," Tate told ABC News. ""Everyday I would spend time with her, petting her, talking to her and when the doctors asked me if I could give her a home a few weeks later I knew immediately we were meant to land in each other lives."
Crystal concludes by saying, "We are still learning her quirks and helping her live her new life, but we wouldn't have it any other way."
You can check out some photos of Duchess below and follow her on Facebook to see how she's getting on.