Elon Musk Wants To Put 4,000 Satellites In Space To Provide The Entire Planet With Internet
Real-life Tony Stark Elon Musk's latest amazing creation is currently seeking approval from the government so his company SpaceX can put 4,000 satellites in orbit to provide the earth with internet.
Musk thinks that the satellites will challenge current internet providers like Comcast and Verizon, providing a cheaper and faster service as well as being able to reach remote places which aren't connected.
The project was announced at the beginning of the year but the Washington Post recently publicized the fact that Musk has filed with the US Federal Communications Commission, asking for permission to put the satellites in orbit.
Speaking to the Washington Post Paul Gallant, analyst at Guggenheim Partners said, “Some people might say the idea of satellite broadband has come and gone. But the cost structure of the business is so much better than when Bill Gates tried it.”
Gallant went on to say, “I think Musk’s track record of disruptive innovation would make this a really attractive business for the . . . FCC to support.”
The plan is to start testing them next year with the service possibly being in place in around five years.

Musk would launch satellites into space using one of his Falcon 9 rockets, where they will then be tested to see if their connections are consistent and fast enough to send data to work for internet connections.
But even with the capability to launch the satellites himself, Musk has admitted that being able to provide a global internet service which crosses borders isn't going to be easy to get permission for.
Along with this Musk has just announced a Hyperloop Pod Competition, asking students and engineers to come up with designs for passenger vehicles for Hyperloop, his concept for a high-speed ground transport system.