'Emo Kylo Ren' And 'Very Lonely Luke' Are The Star Wars Twitter Parodies You've Been Looking For
By now you've seen Star Wars The Force Awakens and its villain, Emo Kylo Ren who acts like a spoilt teenager. A teenager who likes to fly off in fits of bratty rage when something doesn't go his way. Apart from his slaying of Mr Solo there isn't really much he does that marks him out as a badass like his grandad.
Still, he'll no doubt grow in menace over the next two movies, because Disney loves bad guys in their films. But for now his teenage tantrums have been perfectly captured in the Twitter parody account Emo Kylo Ren.
Emo Kylo Ren imagines Solo Junior as a stroppy teen, throwing toys out of his pram and generally moping about in need of a good boot up his ass. As such it's hilarious.
Along with this another Force Awakens Twitter parody account has sprung up. It's called Very Lonely Luke and imagines how poor Jedi Skywalker might be feeling having spent so long alone on a watery planet living as a hermit atop a craggy island.
While Emo Kylo Ren is moody and indulgent, Luke is philosophical, thoughtful, but so very ronery. And how could we forget that both, however, have their own father issues (except Luke didn't actually kill his dad like Kylo).
Get Ready For Emo Kylo Ren vs. Very Lonely Luke

You can check out the tweets from these very funny Twitter accounts below.
dear diary mom and dad still don't believe that my name is kylo dad laughs whenever i say it nobody at school calls me kylo but hux
they make fun of me but kylo ren is a way realer name than biggs darklighter, the actual name of a man who my grandpa killed in a battle
i told my dad he should let me get my license since I share DNA with the best starpilot in the galaxy he was touched but I meant darth vader
dear diary today i moved all of Hux's pens around to show him my tremendous powers but Hux doesn't like it when people move his things
what's the word for when your father is frozen in carbonite but emotionally for your whole childhood
dear diary this one idiot ewok tripped and got a bucket stuck on his head uncle lando goes "look, ben! it's you!" he is the literal worst
my dad just knocked over my model Death Star and broke it but he did not apologize he said people should stop making Death Stars I'm shaking
uncle lando said my helmet made me look like a depressed lampshade and then everyone laughed and high-fived him i hate this family so much
I'm not sure why Kylo Ren hates his dad. My dad was gone for my entire childhood. Then he cut off my hand. In the end, we hugged it out.
Staring at the ocean isn't always the same. One time I thought I saw something. It turned out to be nothing. It was an exciting day.
Maybe I should have brought R2-D2 with me. I could have listened to him beep. All day. Every day. Forever. No, I made the right call.
My dad used to brag about how he built C-3PO. Whatever. He looks exactly like every other protocol droid I think Dad built him from a kit
Every time I screwed up, someone would say, "Use the Force, Luke." Then everyone would laugh at me. And people wonder why I ran away.
My dad was the chosen one. How am I supposed to live up to that? Running away to be a hermit seems like a good start.
They should make a movie about these wars in the stars It just needs a title How about "Luke Has Lots of Friends and Isn't Lonely at All?"
Who names stuff for the Dark Side? Star destroyers don’t destroy stars. The Death Star was only the size of a moon. Overcompensate much?