Erotic Sculpture Parks And Low Birth Rates—Investigating The South Korean Love Industry
South Korea is in trouble. Or more specifically it's population is. It has the lowest birth rates in the world, and because of that the entire country could vanish by the 22nd century.
So there's something of a procreation crisis going on over there at the moment. VICE sent one of their reporters out there to have a look at what's happening in their documentary The South Korean Love Industry.
It involves grandmas who sell their bodies for money, honeymooners visiting a park which features a giant phallic sculpture, and sex motels where young couples go to escape.
From VICE:
With one of the lowest birth rates in the world, South Korea is in danger of disappearing by the end of the millennium. If the situation stays as it is, South Koreans are predicted to become extinct by 2750. Because of the rapidly aging population, elderly prostitutes known as "Bacchus ladies" have cornered a number of public parks as their working areas. Meanwhile, South Korean kids are living with their families well into their 20s—as a result, an entire economy of sex motels has sprung up to give kids a place to fool around outside the watchful eyes of their parents.
It's a weird world we live in, inhabited by some strange cultures and who knows, out of nowhere South Korea could be one of the top tourist destination for people who want something a little 'different' from Disney World.

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