
Every Upworthy Video Ever Is Lampooned In This Hilarious Spot-On Parody

Nobody does emotional manipulation like Upworthy, posting videos that don't just tug, but wrench with extreme force at people's heart strings. It's enough to give any sane person sleepless nights as your mind grasps with how wonderful it is to be alive, closely followed by some incurable disease that will come and snatch that gift away from you at any moment. It's stress-inducing stuff if you take it all too seriously.

So it comes as a very pleasant welcome when Cracked step up to the plate and take aim at those schmaltzy tearjerkers with this parody, which takes the emotional roller-coaster of an Upworthy video to absurd, and necessary, conclusions.

Things start off hopeful with a blind guy regaining his sight, before jumping through every emotional hoop available until there's nothing left but death. LOL


It's not the first time Cracked have lampooned Upworthy, check out their breakup letter to them below.

via Cracked

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