Stonehenge-Like Structure Found On Mars: Evidence Of Alien Civilization Or Just A Bunch Of Rocks?
It's been dubbed Marshenge (#MarsHenge if you like your Twitter hashtags) and if you're so inclined you could take it as evidence of an alien civilisation. Or it could just be a random rock formation. It's up to you.
The mysterious stone structure was first conspired over by YouTube UFO hunter Mister Enigma, who spotted it in a NASA photo and then made the above video. You can almost hear the sound of conspiracy theorists rubbing their hands together in anxious excitement.
In his video he says it looks "eerily similar" to Stonehenge, a prehistoric stone circle monument in Wiltshire, England. After noting the similarities, Mister Enigma then really lets his imagination take hold. "Could the builders of Stonehenge have visited Mars and did they build the same thing there?" he ponders. "Or did we have visitors teach us how to build these things and do the same for long-lost beings on Mars as well?" Hmmm.
Website UFO Sightings also picked up on it saying, "This is something remarkable found by Mister Enigma of Youtube. Its two circles of rocks and one square in its center. This is not the first time I have seen this. I have seen it many times in dozens of photos of Mars, always a circle. Sometimes with big rocks, sometimes smaller, but always on small hills only."

Chances are it's just another Mars illusion. Remember space crab? Yeah. Well maybe he built it. Or maybe, as The Daily Mail say, it's just geology:
Experts have in the past said such stone circles may form as a result of natural processes that also occur here on Earth. For example, the freeze-thaw cycle of permafrost can cause sediment to churn and separate by grain size that can cause boulders or large rocks to produce stone circles or polygons on low slopes.