Relationship Breakups Get Easier As Facebook Is Making Sure You See Less Posts From Your Ex
No one likes breaking up with a partner. It's never an easy path to walk alone when you both go your separate ways, and these days, in the age of social media it sucks even more because of course you are certain to be friends with them on Facebook.
So, when you both part ways you're going to have to endure them posting about how amazing their life is now.
But that could soon change, because Facebook is testing out some tools that can filter how you see posts from an ex. You'll be prompted to use these tools when Facebook sees you've changed your relationship status.
It means you can still be friends with them but you won't have a constant barrage of updates from them in your news feed. Which is a good thing, right?
"See less of a former partner’s name and profile picture around Facebook without having to unfriend or block them." Facebook explain. "Their posts won’t show up in News Feed and their name won’t be suggested when people write a new message or tag friends in photos."

It also means you can limit the photos, videos and status updates they'll see too. "This work is part of our ongoing effort to develop resources for people who may be going through difficult moments in their lives." Facebook said in a blog post.
They go on to say, "We hope these tools will help people end relationships on Facebook with greater ease, comfort and sense of control."
Unless of course you are bitter and twisted and feel the need to stalk them and their new life.