STAR WARS: THE FAIL AWAKENS - Get Ready For A Hilarious Star Wars Themed Fail Video
There is a lot of Star Wars-themed videos and content around at the moment, and that's because apparently some low-budget sci-fi movie is coming out very soon. You might have heard about it?
Because of that you may or may not be totally sick of all things to do with stuff in a galaxy far, far away.
BUT! This video really is worthy of your attention. It's by Barcelona-based Marca Blanca and it brilliantly uses footage and audio from the Star War: The Force Awakens teaser trailer intercut with people falling down stairs while dressed as a stormtrooper, or Darth Vader having a hard time and failing badly on a hoverboard.
Or swinging a lightsaber like an amateur.
Or a handcuffed Chewie being put in the back of a police car. It even has the legendary Star Wars Kid making a brief but oh-so-worthy appearance.
Seriously, just watch this, have a good laugh at someone else's expense and then you can just wait for the damn film to come out and then we can all forget about Star Wars.
For at least another couple of months anyway, when the trailer for episode VIII comes out.