Does Your Family Need Another Pet? 30 Examples Of Kids Who Think They Are Animals
Kids and pets, there's a fine line between them. Yes, they are insanely cute and good fun, we love them and care for them, deal with their mishaps and dilemmas and look out for their safety. They are the core of the family unit and we couldn't begin to imagine living life without them.
They do have a dark side, both kids and animals can seriously make a mess of your home, their in-built radar targets any object that you hold dear and marks it for destruction, for them any place in the family home is a suitable toilet and they make it seem like all they ever want from you is to feed and house them.
And lets not forget they can keep you awake at night with their cries and demands. Both seem to be able to conspire together to make your life that little bit more difficult.
So it's kind of understandable that one may start to act like the other. So don't be too alarmed if your kid starts to lick milk out of a saucer along with your cat, or if it drinks water out of the dog bowl. Or if it sticks its head out the car window like your labrador.
They're just learning.
And if we are honest, they probably learn better life skills from the family pets than they do their parents. Or is that the other way around? But it matters not. We still love them dearly.