
Fan Made Stop Motion Transformers Movie Is Much Better Than Michael Bay's Films

Let's be honest, those Michael Bay movies while high on the octane were somewhat of a disappointment for people who grew up watching the Saturday morning cartoons and the original movie—which was famous for being Orson Welles' final role in film, voicing Unicron.

So Bay had a lot to live up to, but traded the nostalgia of our childhood memories for explosions and Shia LaBeouf. Because, Bayhem. Harris Loureiro has made up for all that however, with his awesome stop motion short using the original toys and some cardboard box backdrops.

As well as having plenty of kickass fight scenes, the voices also sound like the cartoons and it feels like a lot of effort and love went into it. Which it did, because it took Loureiro six months to make—a six months that was very well spent.

Check out some behind-the-scenes shots from Loureiro's Instagram account, below. And check the video above.

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