If Your Father's Day Was A Let Down These Two 'Dadholes' Will Make You Feel A Whole Lot Better
If you're a father then yesterday was your special day (no, not your birthday, the other special day), the one other day a year where you get a lie in and you don't have to cook breakfast for the kids.
Oh yeah, and you're bestowed with the obligatory mug and socks to put with the others. But it's not all about crappy presents, even a day without Bravo would be a dream come true—but not every dad is so lucky.
Especially not the embittered, spiteful fathers who star in Chris Wylde's always hilarious web series Dadholes. Wylde brought out a special episode called "Dadholes Day" which shows the two regretful dads (Wylde and the equally brilliant Darrell Britt-Gibson) bitching and whining about parenthood, their wives, and their insufferable middle class lives. Yep, everything is a first-world parenting problem for these guys.
As always the humor is dark and the language foul (definitely headphones on if you're sat next to other human beings) but if you're not easily offended you'll be chuckling all the way through this.
The only negative is, as always, it's all over way too quickly.