Feast Your Eyes On A Bacon Powered Motorcycle That Runs On Bacon Grease And Smells Great
Bacon and motorcycles, it's like a match made in swine heaven, why has no one ever thought of combining the two before? I mean, this is a perfect piggy pairing (H.O.G's & Ham) that pretty much shows us that bacon has moved one step closer to being the only thing anyone needs to survive in a modern world.
So all hail the bacon-powered motorbike that belches out meaty fumes.
A Minnesota-based genius just took a diesel-powered bike and, with some backing from his bacon-loving friends at Hormel (a name you might recognize from the chilled meats section of your favorite grocery store), now has a fully functioning, bacon-powered cafe racer.
And yes, the exhaust really smells like bacon (according to Modernfarmer.com). It is the definition of a one of a kind – a diesel motorcycle that runs solely on bacon grease.
“We actually had the grease from our Rochelle, IL plant so it is all 100% Black Label,” says Hormel brand manager for Hormel Black Label Bacon, Nick Schweitzer.

Scott Schraufnagel who works for BBDO Minneapolis, the advertising agency responsible for the idea of the bike, says the motorcyle, “runs on B-100 bio-diesel so what that means is it has no hazardous waste materials.”

So, how do you turn bacon grease into bio-diesel? Well, you take it to a company that converts grease into bio-diesel like Bio-Blend Fuels in Wisconsin. “It’s almost a one-to-one ratio in terms of one pound of material to about a gallon of pig fuel,” says Schraufnagel.
The fuel for the bike costs about $3.50 a gallon and gets 75 to 100 miles per gallon, and yes, it does smell like bacon when it runs. Hormel foods is the owner and operator of the bike which will be used in a documentary called, “Driven by Bacon”.

“We are working with a bacon lover who’s going to be riding the bike starting a cross country trip where we’ll be going from Austin, MN to San Diego, CA,” Schraufnagel says.
The team told The Washington Times: ‘If there were a bacon biodiesel tanker spill in the ocean, the fuel would be safe and mouth-watering fish food.
‘This bacon biodiesel is nearly carbon-neutral, meaning it contributes almost zero emissions to global warming.’

The motorbike will feature in a documentary called Driven by Bacon about a man embarking on a road trip across the U.S. He will meet other bacon-lovers on his way from Austin, Texas to San Diego, California.

H/T - Modernfarmer.com