35 Extremely Funny Tweets About Married Life That You Can't Help But Laugh At
When it comes to a happy married life these funny tweets do a great job in summarizing exactly what it's like to take a husband or wife until death do you part. They capture the little moments that make up the everyday. You can't help but laugh at how everyday normal situations, that many of us take for granted, can instantly get transformed into extremely amusing outcomes and exchanges between happily married couples.
They might sound like insults to an outsider, but in actuality, there are very endearing.
Because married life isn't just about the big events, the births of children or the stress and excitement of buying your first house together (although the latter is increasingly rarer in these days). Of course it is about those, but as these funny tweets show, it's also about your husband coming home to interrupt your TV viewing to tell you about his day at work. Which, of course, you want to hear about, but like just not right now. OK?
So How Do You Attain A Happy Married Life?

Achieving a happy married life is also about putting up with someone's terrible jokes and puns that they seem to enjoy shoehorning in every chance they get. And these funny tweets have plenty of examples of that.
Married life is also about being so at ease in each other's company, that even in the most inappropriate moments your partner will find time to, say, criticize the clothes you chose to wear. It's about getting excited about receiving some tasty guacamole for your birthday, instead of being excited about getting a diamond ring or some sexy lingerie. It's about the montage scene at the beginning of Pixar movie Up.
These funny tweets attest to the fact that love and marriage is about not just the grander scheme of things, but the more humble, seemingly unimportant parts of life too. Which, lets face it, are the majority of our lives.
So, with that in mind. Here's to the married life. And to funny tweets about it too.
35 Funny Tweets On The Trails Of Married Life